Image by Fataw Mohammed Yakubu, ©AASU.

Climate Education Curriculum

On this page you can find examples of climate education curriculum, including guides to educational activities, learning tools, and training modules on environmental education that can be useful for advocating for climate education.

Tools, frameworks, and guides

  • Éduquer à l'environnement en vue du développement durable

    Guide des activités éducatives en matière d'éducation à l'environnement et au développement durable (EEDD) pour les jeunes de l'enseignement primaire et secondaire.

  • Climate Craft Mission Map

    A game targeted primary school children with the purpose of learning about climate change.

  • Turn It Around!

    A learning tool for adults developed by youth to reimagine our approach to education and our relationship with nature and the living world. It is designed to challenge education policymakers.

  • Green Life Skills: Curriculum Package

    This curriculum is meant for learners - persons who are learning a subject or skill - between 10-29 years old. For this project, we define a curriculum broadly as an educational plan consisting of several elements that all influence each other: course content, learning objectives, learning activities, teacher role, learning materials, learning environment, time and structure, and learning assessment.

  • Needs assessment report: Development of a Green Life Skills curriculum for Plan International

    This needs assessment report will start by describing the used methodology – the guiding research questions and the used methods (desk research, interviews, Focus Group Discussions, youth survey) to find the answers to these. The report will continue to present the findings according to different topics and will finally answer the research questions. At the end of the report, overall conclusions are drawn, and recommendations are made for the design of the curriculum.

  • Climate Box: An interactive learning toolkit on climate change

    Because early education can have such an impact on life-long behaviours, UNDP developed a learning toolkit for school children. The interactive materials provide them with important information on issues related to global climate change in an interesting, attractive and entertaining way.