ECPI Resources

Explore ECPI’s global resources, including case studies, toolkits and best practices.

Image by Emily Gale

  • Climate Transformative Education

    Projects or events related to Climate Transformative Education.

  • ECPI Case studies

    Click below for a quick guide to all the case studies available on this ECPI Hub website so far by country. If you want to find case studies by theme, use the ‘Change Pathways’.

  • Gender Transformative Education

    Look into our Gender Transformative Education materials. You’ll find our GTE Guidance Note, GTE Compendium and a Laerning Note.

  • Privatization Resources

    Read here to learn more about the commercialization of girls’ education, the public private divide, and false promises.

  • Education in Crisis and Fragile Contexts

    Read more to learn about projects regarding Education in Crisis and Fragile Contexts such as the BRICE Project.

  • The Girl Who Fought For Freedom

    South Sudan is a country filled with real-life stories of women and girls who hope, who dream, who fight to change the world around them. Read about these stories here.

  • The Power to Fight Inequality

    A good-quality public education is liberating for individuals. It can also be an equalizer within society. This report shows the unparalleled power of public education to tackle growing inequality and bring us closer together. To achieve this, education must be both of good quality and equitable; it should be free, universal, adequately funded, with well-supported teachers, and accountable public oversight. Fairer taxation of the wealthiest can help pay for it.

  • The Education Spike Campaign: September 2019 to December 2021

    With the overall purpose of improving access to free, quality, public education, Oxfam IBIS launched the Spike Campaign as part of the larger Oxfam Even It Up Campaign.