Formal and non-formal educational settings and systems

are inclusive, conducive, gender-responsive and safe spaces for all learners and educators, ensuring access and completion for girls and women.

To ensure that formal and non-formal educational settings are safe and resilient spaces for all learners requires a holistic approach. Requirements include adequate infrastructure, sanitation facilities, learning materials, teacher training, implementation of codes of conduct for teachers and other educational personnel, and capacity development opportunities that help a school system thrive and grow.

Extra attention must be paid to ensure that adequate case management systems are in place to report and handle gender-based violence cases, including those that are school-related. Prosecution of perpetrators and safe treatment of victims and survivors of abuse is crucial. Shifting mindsets and building platforms and safe spaces free of shame and victim-blaming is part of creating just and accountable systems.

Education systems must prepare educators and school staff to reflect on their individual and collective attitudes and values and engage communities in reporting incidences of violence.

Case story coming soon