Fighting privatization

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Explore our privatisation documents below.

  • Public Good or Private Wealth

    Universal health, education and other public services reduce the gap between rich and poor, and between women and men. Fairer taxation of the wealthiest can help pay for them.

  • Equity and Quality in an Education Public-Private Partnership

    This study seeks to understand the impact of the Punjab PPP initiative on key dimensions of equity, education quality, and democratic and social accountability. Qualitative by design, the study seeks to go beyond macro-level enrollment and test score data to provide a picture of the school-level dynamics of the PPP program, and to contextualize and interpret the existing data.

    Image by Momina Afridi.

  • False Promises

    How delivering education through public-private partnerships risks fueling inequality instead of achieving quality education for all.

  • Concept Note: Commercialization of Education

    The trend of commercializing education is hence conflicting with a global aim of universal access to quality education, and it creates barriers, rather than removing them.

    Image by William West-Lillesøe.

  • Commercialisation of Girls' Education: Why the Fight Against Commercialisation of Education is a Feminist Fight

    This briefing note connects the issues of unequal access and inclusion of girls in education, and low-fee private school chains. These commercial school chains do not support access of the most marginalized, including girls. They often reproduce negative gender norms, and governments have limited opportunity to influence how they operate.

    Image by William West-Lillesøe.